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Hip Dysplasia
11/15/04  J.R. Rogers
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We have discussed issues about the use of liquid glucosamine for pets suffering from arthritis. This time, I would like to focus a little more on hip dysplasia and steps that can be taken to deal with this often complex issue.

Who suffers from Hip Dysplasia?

Broadly speaking, hip dysplasia (a malformed hip socket) strikes generally in larger breeds of dogs although not exclusively with them. This excessive movement in the affected joint caused calcium deposits, chronic inflammation problems and this all adds to greater degeneration in the joint. It is interesting to note that this condition is not present at birth; it develops in the puppy stage.

There is also some controversy about what causes hip dysplasia. Some say it is genetic but this is not conclusive. In fact, a closer reading of the literature reveals some other factors.

The issue with larger breed dogs is weight. And of course, the more they weigh the greater the problem is.

Liquid Glucosamine and Other Factors

Our regular readers know that I am a very strong advocate for using liquid glucosamine in dealing with hip dysplasia and other arthritis related conditions in family pets. The success reported by pet owners seems to bear the conclusion that it is a highly successful avenue to follow.

Other Synergistic Ingredients

A pharmaceutical quality liquid Glucosamine formula does not stand alone. My experience tells me that other ingredients used synergistically with Glucosamine are much more effective. In particular, let’s focus on one.

Liquid Formulas, Vitamin C, Diet

The reason for using a liquid formula has been well established. It is much more highly absorbed than a pill or capsule form. In fact, a look at the historical clinical studies reveals that only about 800-850 mg. a day is required to be highly effective.

In reviewing the clinical studies, it is interesting to note that researchers have also implicated a Vitamin C deficiency in the development of hip dysplasia (chronic sub clinical scurvy.) If that is the case, then the theory would be that the hip forms poorly because of a weakness in the ligaments and muscles that surround the joint. For that reason, a liquid glucosamine formula should contain Vitamin C.


Since hip dysplasia begins in early puppyhood, this is also an indication that you should not wait until you see signs of arthritis in your dog before using liquid glucosamine. I submit that using doses appropriate to their body weight would be a good way to help the cartilage in your pet's joints now.


I have said this before and will say it aqain. Pets that are fed as much natural food as possible stand a better chance against developing arthritis and as well, when they are coping with it. The more natural the food you feed your pet, the better off they will be in the long run.

What’s right?

I don’t think there is any “perfect” solution as to what a more natural diet should be for your pet. I do recommend that if you are using commercially manufactured foods, that you use caution as to what you buy. (See, our prior Pet Arthritis Chronicles) But you might consider this. If you stay in the three basic food groups recommended for humans you have it about right.

Try feeding them some combinations of raw vegetables. As well, I recommend some fruits in the mix. There is one major exception to using any “fruits.” Grapes can be toxic to pets as recently reported (liver failure).

If you are feeding them legumes like beans, split peas and lentils that is also good. However, you are going to have to cook them. If you are short on time and want to stay with the food group, use tofu as a substitute.


Most of us just do not have the time to devote to these feeding situations. If so, try tackling this by preparing batches in advance and freezing them.

J.R. Rogers is the founder and President of Activex America, Inc. makers of Liquid Glucosamine Formula Syn-flex®

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