Glucosamine for Arthritis Arthritis and Glucosamine
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Using Anti-Inflammatory Products for Arthritic Pets
Last review: 08/12/10  JR Rogers
I want to share some information I was recently reading about. It dealt with a pet owner who had turned to her vet for some help with her dog who had arthritis.

Pain and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
There are several products that are used to deal with pain and of course, arthritis in family pets means "pain." There are times when a veterinarian will use cortisone initially because it settles things down from a pain perspective. And, there are other options that they often follow after that.

Etogesic® and Rimadyl® are just two of the approved drugs used for anti-inflammatory relief. Although these types of products are effective, they usually require follow-up blood work. Of course, in addition to the expense of the drugs themselves, the extra visits for blood work add to the financial burden.

In this Particular Case
This case involved a veterinarian that was quick to say that Glucosamine with Omega-3 and Vitamin E are great alternatives. He pointed out that the latter two ingredients are "thought to have anti-inflammatory qualities."

I Think the Choice is Simple
I am not going to get into the business of attacking choices made by veterinarians. Fortunately, more and more vets are coming around to the use of high-quality Glucosamine formulas. I think that is good news for all of us. Of course, that is also good news for our pets. Let's face the facts. We are trying to help our pets when they suffer from arthritis and not cause them additional problems.

The Weight Issue
I have also been an advocate of keeping an arthritic pet's weight under control. If you follow the guidelines I have been putting out there for several years, it comes down to the use of pharmaceutical-quality liquid Glucosamine; a diet that is healthy; and, exercise.

Again, I have cautioned against the use of many drugs over the past few years. Recent reports from the federal government bear out much of what I have said.

The unfortunate thing is that the pharmaceutical companies are quick to promote their "arthritis medications" for both humans and pets, and it has taken time for the veterinarians to come around to considering the safe and natural alternatives.