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The Benefits of Omega 3 & 6
Last review: 08/12/10  J.R. Rogers
Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are known and understood to be essential fats since they are generally obtained by ingesting foods as opposed to “processed” or saturated fats. What is important for you to understand is that your body needs Omega 3 and 6.

So what does that mean to those who suffer from osteoarthritis? Your body converts saturated fats into PG2, which has an inflammatory effect on your body. On the other hand, both omega 3 (PG3) and omega 6 (PG1) have an anti-inflammatory effect on your body. By now, you should all be aware that part of your pain problems associated with osteoarthritis results from inflammation.

An interesting observation was made in some clinical studies in the mid-1990’s that is noted in Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution. (Avon books) The doctor suggests that a principal ingredient in the fight against all arthritis should be omega 3 fatty acids. Why is that? Because it has been clearly demonstrated that omega 3 relieves both pain and inflammation.

What may be most interesting about Dr. Atkin’s recommendation is that clinical studies have confirmed that the use of omega 3 standing alone dramatically reduced the pain suffered by those with rheumatoid arthritis allowing them to lessen their dependence on other drugs.

This leads us full circle back to some of the other methods of successfully easing arthritis pain. Namely, diet in general also plays a significant role in the overall picture. If we eat less saturated fats, we are in effect taking away one of our body’s means of producing inflammation. Conversely, by increasing our intake of omega 3 and omega 6 we are assisting and encouraging our body to produce anti-inflammatory defense mechanisms.

Are there any other benefits that we might gain through the use of omega 3 and omega 6? The answer is clearly “yes.”

Arteriosclerosis is cited as the greatest factor in deaths in this country today (thickening in the lining of artery walls, which leads to heart disease.) The ingestion of omega 3 and omega 6 therefore benefits our bodies in still one more way. We actually reduce the risk of developing heart disease and suffering cardiac arrest.

To learn about an osteoarthritis formula that contains both omega 3 and 6 plus glucosamine, chondroitin, and nine other beneficial ingredients, click here.

J.R. Rogers is the founder and President of Activex America, Inc. makers of Liquid Glucosamine Formula Syn-flex®